Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another US lawmaker supports full equity for Filipino vets

SAN FRANCISCO – Filipino World War II veterans and their supporters have more reason to celebrate.

Last July, United States Congresswoman Jackie Speier pledged to introduce legislation that would give them monthly pensions.

On Tuesday, Congressman Mike Honda committed to co-sponsor the full equity bill.

“We are glad there are members of Congress that recognize our rights and our fight for recognition,” said veteran Apolonio Ladia.

For full equity to pass, the Justice for Filipino Veterans (JFAV) said they need to get the support of lawmakers seeking re-election this year, in areas where there is a large number of Filipino voters.

JFAV said that to get the Filipino votes, politicians also have to support full equity.

“Out of convenience, they will have to take our side,” said JFAV coordinator Ago Pedalizo.

The veterans and their supporters said the more legislators support full equity, the bigger the chance that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would commit to co-sponsor the equity bill.

“People who did not commit to support full equity in the past will see the growing support for it and they might change their minds,” said Pedalizo.

Veteran Restituto Ibanez said: “I hope Pelosi does not forget about us because we sacrificed a lot to fight for America during the war.”

Besides increasing congressional support for full equity, JFAV is also filing a lawsuit against the Veterans Affairs on October 8, which pushes for monthly pensions for the veterans and their widows.

“Widows should also get monthly pension because our husbands suffered just like the rest,” said widow, Ramana Battung.

“Out of the 66 nationalities that fought for America during World War II, the Filipinos were the only ones left out. This is an outright racial discrimination,” maintained Pedalizo.

To add the growing list of full equity supporters, JFAV said Filipino-Americans should personally convince their own representatives in Congress to give justice where it is due.

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